Epoxy Handling
Whether your project is big or small, WEST SYSTEM® technical publications and DVDs provide detailed procedures and instructions for specific repair and construction applications.
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The WEST SYSTEM User Manual provides information about safety, handling and the basic techniques of epoxy use. Understanding these basic techniques will allow you to tailor WEST SYSTEM products to your exact repair and construction needs. The User Manual also includes a Problem Solver that will help you identify and prevent potential problems associated with using epoxy.
This is a complete, illustrated guide to a variety of fibreglass repair problems, including detailed instructions on repairing cracks and holes, delamination, rot and keel damage. It also covers fairing keels, hardware bonding, finishing and installing teak veneers.
Provides a thorough explanation of osmotic blistering, and detailed, illustrated instructions on effective laminate drying techniques, repairing localised and severe interlaminate blister damage, techniques for applying an effective epoxy barrier coat and more.
Shows you how to do professional level repairs and renovations that dramatically extend the life of your wooden boat. Dry rot repairs, structural frame repairs, and plank repairs using modern products and techniques are among the many solutions covered in this fully illustrated manual.
Takes you through the final steps of the building or repair process in detail, and includes techniques for fairing and barrier coating, as well as information on the characteristics and types of finishing coatings.
Working with epoxy can be highly rewarding, as well as safe. Serious health problems associated with epoxy use are uncommon. Most epoxy related health problems are minor, but they can cause discomfort and diminish the rewards of working with it. Fortunately, these problems are preventable.
A definitive guide to the principles and application of vacuum bagging techniques for laminating composite materials with epoxy. Complete instructions describe various techniques, materials and equipment.
The 5th edition of this classic on wood/epoxy boatbuilding was completed in 2005. Decades of experience building with wood and epoxy are compiled in this book. Extensive chapters on lofting, safety, tools and construction methods are described with the aid of hundreds of detailed illustrations and photographs. This edition includes about 20% new and updated material and a revised layout for easier navigation. Used as a textbook in boatbuilding schools. Over 100,000 copies in print.
An introduction to some of the more common non-marine uses of WEST SYSTEM epoxy. Most of these suggestions deal with repair and restoration problems in an architectural or home environment, including bonding ceramic tiles, laminating timber beams and repairing windows & doors.
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