Detailed Repairs
Wooden Boat Repairs
WEST SYSTEM offers a complete line of products for a wide range of wooden boat building needs. For new wooden boat construction, it provides the means to build a beautiful and efficient, wood, composite craft, and the same components can be used for wooden boat repairs and restoration.
The Gougeon Brothers on Boat Construction : Wood and WEST SYSTEM Materials focuses on boat construction in which wood and WEST SYSTEM epoxy are used as the primary engineering materials. The modern wooden boatbuilder is no longer limited to traditional wooden boatbuilding methods based on durability of wood species and construction details based on fastening techniques.
Many of the techniques used in modern wooden boat building can also be applied to the repair of older wooden boats with excellent results. Wooden Boat Restoration & Repair explains these techniques and offers reliable and thorough information for restoration and wooden boat repair.
Following the procedures described in Wooden Boat Restoration & Repair will allow you to restore the primary functions of the boat’s structure, reduce flexing and provide moisture protection. This illustrated guide will assure thorough, long-lasting wooden boat repairs, improve the appearance, reduce the maintenance and prolong the life of your wooden boat, and can also be applied to other wooden structures.
WEST SYSTEM epoxy products can be used successfully in wooden boat building and wooden boat repairs for the following procedures including surface preparation, bonding, laminating, fairing, applying reinforcements and final coating and finishing.